Monday, December 21, 2009

Liam is getting so BIG!



I just can't believe how fast time flies! Liam has gotten so big, and so smart! I am so proud of him every day! He has been talking so much lately! He copies everything I do. Its amazing how he is so big now, yet he still looks like the same little baby that he was last year! I can't wait for Christmas morning, Liam is going to be SOOOO excited! :)

Happy Holidays!


some outdoor action

fall in a nut shell! :)

fell asleep while eating a late dinner

playing at the park

Liam (the Hulk), Me and Jon, all the mall on Halloween getting his picture taken

At Van Riper, camping during fall Harvest fest :) ... Liam the Lion

Isaac, Mattison, and Liam

on a hay ride, being pulled by horses! :)

carving pumpkins at Jon's camp.

summer in a nut shell!