Friday, February 15, 2008

Tips for Dad (takes a strong man to love a pregnant woman)

During Pregnancy...
-Become involved with the pregnancy; know what is going with your partner adn the baby.
-If possible, go with your partner to her doctor visits; you'll learn a lot and have fun, too.
-Understand that your partner needs some extra tender loving care.
-Your partner is growning and needs more than half of the bed, so move over man!
-Spend time alone as a couple just talking and expressing your hopes and fears.
-Give your woman as much support, encouragement, and love as you can.
-Suprising her with a special little gift now and then will have amazing results.
-Plan a special date night at least once a week; and keep this up even after the baby arrives.
-Keep reassuring your partner about what a wonderful mother she is going to be.
-Take some time alone to reflect on your feelings about becoming a new father.
-Talk with other fathers-to-be or new fathers and get as many tips as you can.
-Go to the bookstore and buy a book on parenting that suits your particular interest.
-Play an active role in childbirth classes and learn as much as possible.
-Take a tour of where the baby will be born.
-Work with your partner to get things ready for the baby, such as furniture and stocking the nursery.

During delivery....
-When it comes to the delivery, be actively present and share the joy of birthing together.
-During the birth tell your partner what a terrific job she is doing and how much you love her.

Once the baby arrives....
-See if you can take a little time off from work.
-After the baby is born, understand that your position as center of your partner's universe has been severely dislocated, but please don't take it personally.
-Understand that you cannot compete for attention with the baby.
-Try to share baby care responsibilities and help out with your baby whenever possible.

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