Saturday, May 30, 2009

Let the summer begin! =)

Memorial Day weekend Liam and I went out to Big Bay to stay the night with my sister who was out camping. It was a lot of fun, but I don't think Liam has ever been so dirty! He was covered head to toe in dirt, but it was all in the name of fun! =)

Isaac taking Liam for a 4wheeler ride =)

all that mudding can get exhausting so they stopped for a watermelon break

being a dirty crabby boy

eating again... weird.

quick drink
Liam knows where the snack cupboard is now. So he helps himself to snacks.
Sounds like it would be really great at first that he can just feed himself
whenever he is hungry.
Except this happens just about every time...

The other day it was really nice out in the morning
so when Liam woke up from his morning nap I surprised him with a bubble bath
on the deck in the pool =)
He loved it!
(these are from my phone so they aren't the best pictures, but you get the idea)

And yesterday I took Liam for a bike ride
he didn't quite make it for the whole ride lol
He was passed out about 4 miles into it. =)

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